#CPSS2022: Digital Transformation is bringing people together- Nkem Nweke Engineering Innovations Lead, Microsoft ADC. - Rise Networks

Rise Networks

#CPSS2022: Digital Transformation is bringing people together- Nkem Nweke Engineering Innovations Lead, Microsoft ADC.

We live in an era where technological advancement has drastically changed the traditional way of life and the future of work as we know it, businesses are going digital, health services are becoming more accessible and infrastructure has evolved.

Rise Networks held her first edition of a monthly series Complex Problem-Solving Session themed ‘Digital Transformation For Organizations: How to Plan and Execute on Thursday 27th January 2022.

As an instigator for digital transformation in Africa in line with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Rise Networks curated a monthly series ‘Complex Problem-Solving Sessions’ to drive conversations on tech adoption in Africa by creating an avenue for bright minds to connect and share experience on effective ways to leverage the underutilized intelligence of our Continent’s human capital and adopt tech innovation to solve some of the problems prevalent in Africa especially in the areas of Defense, Health, Education and Manufacturing.

The session was held at the Rise Labs with a combination of both on-site and virtual participants who joined via Zoom with representatives from reputable organizations in Nigeria, business individuals and tech enthusiasts present at the event.

Speaking at the session, the expert instructor Mr Nkem Nweke, Engineering Innovations Lead, Microsoft African Dev Center stated that ‘Digital transformation is bringing people together’. He went further to reiterate the need for organizations to embrace the four pillars of digital transformation which according to him are;
-Engage your customer
-Empower your employees
-Optimize your operations
-Transform your products

Furthermore, a deep dive into the subject matter centred on reaffirming the positive impact of digital Transformation for organizations through the adoption of savy digital strategies, capable workforce, and innovative technologies.

This was followed by a project showcase of demo- projects built by Rise Networks’ STEM team which includes;
-Smart Mailbox.
-Smart Card Payment System.
-Smart Card Attendance System.
-Gas Leakage Detector.
-Smart Home Control System.

During the Complex Problem-Solving Session, gifts were also presented to the winners of Rise Networks 2019 Ideathon. The recipients of the gifts were Aribatise Stephen who came first with his project called Stebox, a medical device for analyzing X-rays with Artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. According to Stephen, Stebox will help clinicians arrive at a diagnosis of disease conditions in a timely and accurate manner.

Agbo Chidozie came third in the Ideathon competition with his project called SCOLA. Scola is an out-of-the-box way of learning that uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate comic explanations for concepts users make inquiries about. The StyleNet framework was developed to turn text into images.

In absentee Maduko Francis came second, he worked on a project called Dronagro- a data analytics and mining tool that collects farm data using drone technology and Artificial Intelligence to make it easy for the farmers. It uses a unique smart drone technology with object detection capabilities to perform fast and accurate farm data mining.

The session was a smashing success as various issues were discussed and questions from participants were addressed by the Expert instructor and the Rise Networks STEM team.

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