Apply For Startup World Cup 2019 to Win US$ 1,000,000 - Rise Networks

Rise Networks

Apply For Startup World Cup 2019 to Win US$ 1,000,000

The Startup World Cup invites high-growth early-stage startups from all over the world to pitch their innovative business solutions to a well-rounded panel of venture capitalists, angel investors and business development experts, and to compete for investment, maximum media exposure and networking opportunities with enablers and sponsors.

The competition aims to promote and develop the entrepreneurial creativity of startups able and willing to disrupt the status-quo, to showcase their ground-breaking products or services, to gain visibility across government officials, local, regional and international investors and industry titans, and to secure financial and business support in the stages of scaling and growth.


Participating in Passion Incubator Startup World Cup challenge allows you to:

  • Compete for 1 million USD investment
  • Showcase your technologies/ideas to a wider audience
  • Get PR exposure
  • Obtain access to funds and acceleration support (the judges will commit to second interviews if the pitches are of interest)
  • Tap into different markets (the audience will watch to make connections)
  • Have access to technical expertise (advisers, IP specialists & venture capitalists)
  • Get access to the Match and Invest Lounge, where key funders will be available for consultation.


The Competition is open to all early-stage high-potential startup companies, private or publicly held, who meet the following criteria:

  • The model is an original idea with unique IP of technological solutions;
  • The company demonstrates high growth potential, scalability, and/or has national or international expansion plans with a high level of commitment by shareholders and management team;
  • Close to achieving break-even or profitability.


The pitching competition is a platform for HIGH GROWTH and START-UP (EMERGING) companies to pitch their business to a well-rounded panel of judges. In this way, the Startup World Cup celebrates emerging companies with tech-enabled solutions spanning across all industries. This competition category aims to encourage companies with the best growth potential to become market leaders, and to inspire future entrepreneurs and startups.

True success requires vision and leadership, financial accomplishment, strategic direction, and innovation. This competition is designed to recognize and honour entrepreneurs and companies whose innovative tech-enabled solutions will have a significant impact on the growth of the African continent.

Date: February 9th, 2019

Location: Yaba, Lagos state, Nigeria

Want to take part in the upcoming Startup World Cup 2019 competition? Click Here to Apply

For more information Visit Startup World cup 2019

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