Our Sponsors - Rise Networks

Rise Networks


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Why should you be our sponsor?

With an anticipated annual labor market entry of about 11 Million youth for the next 10years, it is crucial for Nigeria and Africa to get introspective about preparing our future workforce at a time when Innovation Enterprise is predicting that automation will power 85 percent of customer service by 2020 and cut business costs by $8 Billion by 2022.

Are Africa’s Youth competitive across the Continent and globally? Are our High Schools and Tertiary Institutions using Instructional Material that are future compliant? With the breakneck speed at which emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Block chain etc. are invading Public and Private Systems, does the quality of education and skills African young people have access to make them ready for the future of work? If we must position Africa’s current and successor generations to compete for high-level jobs with competitive remunerations in the emerging global digital economy, what policies, efforts and actions do we need to make and take?

Join us using only a laptop or mobile device and an internet connection, take part regardless of where you are in the world – CDAO AFRICA is accessible to a national, and global, audience.

Online Streaming

A quality agenda featuring content focused on best practices for current challenges and initiatives – streamed live, ‘as-live’ or via on-demand presentations.

Online Streaming

A quality agenda featuring content focused on best practices for current challenges and initiatives – streamed live, ‘as-live’ or via on-demand presentations.

Gold Package

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



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Best Package 🔥

Diamond Package

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



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  • History of all Liked Photos
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Platinum Package

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



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