The Cohorts are country representatives from across the world who use social media as a way to creatively share inspirational projects, people, and ideas. This program provides our ambassadors with the ability to cultivate social media advocacy skills, communication skills, and public speaking skills while representing our organization and their local communities.
Gain experience working as part of a highly diverse and international team.
Develop demonstrable skills in teamwork, branding, communications, and social media advocacy.
Upon successful completion of your term, receive recognition for your role on our website and social media channels.
Play a role in the growth and development of inspiring people and projects to contribute towards social and/or environmental impact.
Receive a certificate for your service to TBTM.
The highest performing GA for the term will receive an additional certificate and an individual feature on our website
- The program operates in two terms, April – August and September – March.
- Send your CV and a short creative video , telling us a little bit about your self, why you would like to join our spring cohort, and what ideas you have for your term.
- Send a link to your video applications to
For More Information Click HERE