How To Use The ASUU Strike In Nigeria To Upskill For Free - Rise Networks

Rise Networks

How To Use The ASUU Strike In Nigeria To Upskill For Free

It continues to look like the odds are stacked against the success of Nigerian students because there are several obstacles like poor educational infrastructure, lack of Jobs for graduated students and the worse of them is the persistent ASUU strike that our students have to contend with. All these maladies continue to be the case for poor people only because our leaders and the wealthy in our society, Jet their kids abroad to get sound education only to bring them back as lords over Nigerian graduates who have had a poor education because our leaders continue squandering the resources that should be used for our institutions. This has given some set of simple-minded and weak Nigerian youths reasons to justify fraud and the act of public nuisance.

While these challenges are real it is an absolutely bad excuse to be unemployable and bad cultured. I will say this with “my full chest” as we like to say it in Nigeria because I see the brilliant minds that are churned out from Rise Networks regularly either as trainees or through paid internships! A very young Lady called Naomi(surname left out) is a very classic example! she came in as a young intern from the University of Lagos and blossomed into a refined engineer creating solutions using STEM and increasing her employability. While her mates were slaying on social media she was brainstorming with in house engineers to profer solutions.

While social media can kill dreams and drive some to depression some smart kids are following pages like @Passnownowng and @risenetworks that will not oppress you but motivate you to upskill. While some simple-minded Nigerian youths are using Data to watch online soccer and gamble some are streaming our tutorial videos. While other companies set out traps to syphon people’s money there are still great companies like Rise Networks that show social responsibility on a very high scale by giving free training and seminars that inspire growth and shows the youths the right direction.

That statement is apt and it has nothing to do with being a genius it is about getting byte information that can literally transform the life of a young adult. It saddens me that there are lots of youths who are not even aware that Rise Networks run free Data Science, Data Analytics and Ai training, these resources are out there if you subscribed to our newsletters for instance you will get loads of information about where to get access to the best free resources for Data Science, Data Analytics and AI.

Rise Networks continue to be a leader among equals and I will tell you why. Rise Networks has intuitively started to assuage the sufferings of parents that this ASUU Strike might inflict through the idleness of youths by delivering entirely free training starting from the 3rd of Match 2022 until the strike is over without any hidden fee! Is that not simply amazing? If you have read this blog post this far, then you are not part of the lazy youths Buhari spoke about and you deserve the absolute best.

Simply click this link and you will be admitted into a regimented AI and Data Science training that will leave a positive and indelible mark in your life. Once again I know you can absolutely do anything you set your mind to.

See you at the training!

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